Cordova-Gate-Garden /Spring has arrived…
Spring has arrived, the magnolia burst open/
reddish peaks ready to enter the eye of blue sky.
Spring has arrived, crocus underfoot pull on my ankles
Suggesting, bend down, touch me deep, decorate your bosom with purple delight
Spring has come, plum-blossom profuse spreads its beauty across fields
Near my house where it pulls me into its soothing pink-whites
Spring has come… birds chirp, the season of mating
Build a nest, producing offspring/Chirp, pance, enhance,
Spring has come But I alone sit in my cottage
Stroking my sarod, singing a large/You have not come, though flowers unfold
Bird mate, the sky receives pollen of joy, The meadow is rich
Even with Weedsn of dandelion, daisies and forget- me- nots.
But you have not come, neither at noon, nor midnight, not even morning
Ha, Hanta, once again, honoring poets with/when my sarod gentle weeps
and singing the love song of Bharava rasa at Tat-Sundharam Dhaman
Where lovers touch close, tate the rouge-rasa enter within and celebrate
The arriving of love’s bliss viz. Hers, Its, in the releases of laughter
Fill the cup of life, with the prajA of Me’s-fest, spilling its remaints on the hem of my dress
I now try to hide in shamed despair of once again failed anurga
Spring has come…alias…alias…only the devas well-passed over the window-grove-greens
High above the earth, smiling with mirth… o Tat-Sundaram
Dhaman, when o when you will release the ourse of separation… Now I ask
performing the yajna of tears at Cordova -Gate-Garden-Pool
where I sing mula-mantra/ begging for you to shower a darshan/
Far from the Gates of -Tat Sundaram -Varshan